The secret to buying a very good car

When you buy a car, you have to make sure you get the best price. However, forget to spend a few hours negotiating with the sales staff; if you use these techniques, you can even get the best price before entering the showroom.

The best way to reach a car deal

If you walk into a dealership and ask for the best price, you won't get it. The salesperson will let you sit in the office, negotiate with you for an hour, and then give you a real price. Even if you believe that you have successfully achieved a fair price in this way, you will never know that there is no comparison shopping. It takes several hours to negotiate with several dealers.

What many buyers don't know is that every car dealership has a back door that almost always gives you a meaningless price for a car. This back door is the Internet sales department or the team sales department. You can contact each dealer's internet sales person using the phone number, email address, or contact number on each reseller's website. If you would like to get a quote from multiple resellers, please visit the manufacturer's website and “manufacture” the vehicle you want (choose specifications, colors, etc.) and request a quote from all dealers in your area.

Internet methods are almost always cheaper and easier than shopping for themselves. In fact, each dealer has direct competition with many other distributors in the region. When using the Internet to get a quote, you will tell the dealer that you are comparing shopping, and the regular pricing game will not work for you. Therefore, a network salesperson often gives up the best price and does not negotiate at all.
When you call a salesperson, many of them will ask you to go to the dealership because it will give them more to convince you to buy the chips. At this stage, don't agree to go to any dealer to continue collecting quotes. When you edit your dealer response, you will notice that the volatility of the quote may exceed one thousand dollars. Be sure to tell the high quote dealers that you know better deals. They may not lower the price, but they are always worth a try. With this technology, you can easily get multiple quotes and find the real price of the target car within an hour.

Let a dealership sell better than another

Many dealers insist on a policy that exceeds the price of any other dealer. Usually, dealers will only be at a small profit margin and will ask you to come to the dealer so they can close. For this reason, you usually don't want to ask dealers to cut prices before you are ready to buy. When you are ready, if you are sure that you have a minimum price, you can start asking the dealer to beat the lowest offer. If possible, try to get a hard number of the best price by phone. Ideally, you want to know the "outdoor" price, including all taxes and fees. Otherwise, an unscrupulous dealer may add extra fees at the last minute.

Pay in cash

Most customers don't know that financing is the profit center of car dealers. The finance manager is usually the commissioned salesperson. Financing a car through a dealership usually involves a large initial “financing fee”, which is pure dealer profit. The finance manager can also manipulate interest rates and other loan terms to extract additional profits from the transaction.

With so many complicated terms, it's hard to make sure you get a good deal in financing. If you are a monthly buyer, dealers can play expensive games with you, but if you are a cash buyer, you can set an exact price for a car. If you can't pay in cash, you can make a loan outside the dealership, where you can shop at the best prices and conditions in a highly competitive market.
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